Who we’re not
We’re not the shiny, suited-up ad agency on the 83rd floor. We’re not the boutique shop you call when you need some uber creative. And we're not the niche agency that specializes in one industry. Yet, oddly, we are all these things. We’re Tungsten.
jody farrell
As a glass-half-full kind of girl, Jody is a positive force here at Tungsten. Wearing many hats, including agency partner, she is also Tungsten’s creative director and the first face many of our clients see. Jody takes our project deadlines very seriously. Yet, conversely, she seems to be of the mindset that food expiration dates are more of a general guideline than a strict cutoff.
joe weunski
Some call it OCD, but Joe prefers the term thorough. With decades of experience, Joe’s attention to detail and proper use of Microsoft Word tab functions are something for us all to admire. As agency partner, he performs numerous duties like copywriting, concept development, account management — and regularly purging the contents of the Tungsten refrigerator.
jen winkler
An accomplished illustrator herself, Jen has always been a fan of the comic book genre — particularly when it involves superheroes. At Tungsten, Jen is a senior designer who oversees both print and web. Over the years, she has developed incredible focus. Insane attention to fine detail. And the uncanny ability to scale tall buildings while wearing a utility belt.
olivia mccaslin
Graphic design. It's just like drinking a good bottle of wine. They both um… well, they're sort of… uh… OK scratch that, they are nothing alike. But Olivia happens to be quite adept at both. Just like a vintage 1975 Domaine d'Auvenay Les Bonnes, Olivia is very versatile. And a rare find. And brimming with character. And somewhat complex. Seriously, we could do this all day.
kayli styborski
Kayli's daily commute brings her from the outer reaches of the county. In fact, it’s quite common for her to wake up and find a stray animal in her front yard. Like a dog. Or a cow. Kayli is focused mainly on print design for a wide range of clients — from health care and nonprofits, to retail and higher ed. Oh, and if you recently lost a goat, you might want to give Kayli a call.
sheila hultgren
As Tungsten's production manager, Sheila might have one of the toughest jobs of all — keeping all of us, our clients and our vendor partners on task and on deadline. You could say she is the glue that holds everything together. Which is in no way some sick joke about the fact that she owns a horse. Oh who are we kidding. It is totally a sick joke about her horse.
Alli Hanlon
A big fan of true crime, Alli knows how to get to the bottom of things. As Tungsten’s digital media manager, she expertly oversees a department that decodes the mysteries of social platforms and uncovers new channels for stopping today’s clever consumers dead in their tracks. We wouldn’t even think of interfering in her case. Because that would be the real crime.
Gigi Zacherl
There’s no way you’re going to convince us that Gigi is the quintessential Gen Z specimen. Sure she’s tech savvy, optimistic and adaptable, so what. Frankly, the fact that she’s also our digital media strategist should in no way sway anyone’s opinion on the matter. And knowing that she’s a former barista who loves to travel and is super task driven? Probably just a coincidence.
oto hlincik
As Tungsten's web division director, Oto is a true frontiersman. He is constantly out there on the lookout for the latest and best technology to corral for our clients. We reckon he won't rest as long as there's work to be done taming the wild, wild web. You could say he's a real, modern-day, American cowboy. Except he's Slovakian. And he drives a Hyundai.
owen roth
Owen fell in love with computers just as they were starting to bring the awesomeness of solitaire to people’s lives. Since then, he’s achieved some serious IT proficiency. So now at Tungsten, his unique ability to put .htaccess configuration into layman’s terms makes him the perfect guy to head up our web customer support and CMS training.
michal bulla
Every good web development team has that one guy. No, not the guy who steals your yogurt from the fridge on your day off because he "didn't want it to go bad." The other guy. That behind-the-scenes guy who spends all night programming and building the things that we talk to our clients about all day. That guy you love to have on your team. Buli is that guy.
patty carey
The only person at Tungsten with two first names, Patty's mad calculator skills — and her ridiculously excessive number of undergraduate degrees — have earned her the role as our internal accountant and office manager. As the left-brained, logical type, we often sit and wonder if Patty thinks we're all just a bit nuts. But then we go back to our padded offices and keep working.